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미라클한 정보

Why Dutch Children May Be the Happiest in the World

According to the 2020 UNICEF report. dutch children have the world highest mental well being, as well as excellent health and academic and social skills among 41 countries around the world including South Korea.


One expert who is an author of The Happiest Kids in the World explains that Dutch kids spend lots of time with both their parents. Most Dutch people work four days a week and many fathers spend their free weekdays with their children..


About 15 years ago, I went on a backpack trip to Vietnam with Moses. I met a Dutch couple whose husband was an elementary teacher. He and I talked about a lot of things. He said that he worked for only 4days a week. At that time, in Korea, we went to school even on Saturday. 15 years ago, when we, Korean, had six- day work week, Dutch people already had 4-day work week.


The author says Dutch children are encouraged to share their opinions, and even negotiate with their parents. Dutch education focus on getting children excited about learning - not on exam score.


The more I was reading article, the more I was thinking about Korean kids. Almost every reason that makes Dutch Kid happy is opposite in Korea. In Korean education, every thing depends on exam score and parents are encouraged to work longer hour to succeed. Fathers come home late at night from work.


We, Koreans, maybe live a successful live but we don't live a happy life. I guess, it's time to discuss how to live a happy life and how to give a happy life to our kids.

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